Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A ROM Thanks to Chris Gerstner for a Fabulous Feature!!

Hi Folks,

    For those of you that were able to come out on the Frigid weather of our most recent ROM on
 I thank you so very much and I need NOT explain to you, how your, presence,warmth and Community that each and everyone of you that performed brought in with you but I do especially want to say a BIG thanks to Chris Gerstner for her wonderful Feature which left us all, with a special warm feeling as we left ROM and went back out to the very cold outdoors!!! For those of you that were unable to join us to see & hear Chris for her Feature, more real exciting news!!  Chris Gerstner is going to be Opening her very own Open Mike!!! It is called the Fireside Coffeehouse and is, (thankfully NOT), on a Monday eve but rather and  a most interesting approach will begin on Sunday March 6, from 2-4 PM. The Coffeehouse will take place inside the Emmanuel Lutheran Church at 24 Berwick St. in Norwood Ma. This will be a couples format Coffeehouse so as Chris suggest's if you are used to playing solo, try and take this opportunity to pair up with a friend and work up some tunes together!! At the March 6th grand Opening the duo of Cooper and Kenneally will be doing a half hour session. If you have never been in a Cooper & Kenneally audience, after this show you will be seeing them whenever you can as they a super artists that are wonderful together in Concert and genuinely nice folks in person!! Thanks Chris for adding yet a new Venue to the Local Arts scene to have yet another new home!! If you have any further questions about the upcoming venue please contact:

In other Venue NEWS for the many of you that know our dear Open Mike friend to all, Ellen Schmidt, I was honored last evening to attend what was the Grand Finale Show at this particular location at Savoury Lane in West Acton, Ma. The business has a  new owner and one that will NOT be having the Open Mike. We had a wonderful night of Tribute from so many friends from all over Ellen's wonderful Cadre of dear friends artist's, her Ellen Umbrella of Community and to Ellen Schmidt I say thanks Ellen for all you have offered us at Savoury since 2009 and for continuing with you Emerson Umbrella Open Mike while you search for a location to hold you newest addition to your network of keeping the arts going as close to 7 days a week as possible!!!

I would at this time like to request that anyone that may know of any place that may be inviting of hosting an Open Mike with Ellen Schmidt as a tested guided leader to please contact Ellen at I know Ellen is anxious to get all her previously lined up features to stay in place and that is happening through February thanks to her relationship witht eh Emerson Umbrella. So if you have any thoughts please contact Ellen.

Upcoming at ROM is a special treat for me. Our next feature will be Amy Petty ( Amy's feature will be on a special to many holiday on 2-14-11. Happy Valentines day all!!!!

I have seen Amy several times and have never been disappointed and I know you will be feeling the same way after this feature. Amy has traveled nationally in fact Amy was a re-schedule from 2010 as she was on tour and was kind enuf to ask me months ahead if moving her feature into the next year was a possibility and here we are on the doorstep of her very exciting Feature at ROM!! She has a wonderful CD and I already have at least one request, for Amy I am certain you will all love!!! Until then my dear friends, please be Safe out there in this typical New England Winter and along with that notion do remember that is one of our current themes for any NEW songs Poems ect you my jot, Winter in New England!!!

Last but NOT least importantly our dear friend Junko Ogawa will be performing on 2-12-11 at the Midway Cafe in Jamaica Plain. Junko will be splitting the bill with others but will perform a 30 minute set herself. Please check the specifics on her

All my best, Always, Neal :))

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely Blog, Neal! Thank you for all you do! The beautiful cake you brought to the open mike last night was over the top - I was overwhelmed. You helped to make the evening a real love feast of community - there are many wonderful musical and spoken word oases in this area - we are so luck - and Roslindale Open Mike is right up there - inspired by you!

    Thanks for putting the word out. I'm checking out a variety of interesting options. I really appreciate the suggestions people have sent my way.

    I look forward to returning to another ROM night soon.

    warm regards,
